You know I have great recipes for traditional food that would make people want to try it. When I have nothing to do in my holiday, I always try to do the experiment with my cooking skills. Well it’s Saturday and by chance one of my best friend come and visit, he really miss with my food, he said that the way I do the cooking looks likes professional chefs and I am just laughing hear what he said.
While he started to try to have his food, I do my second job prepare for desert and I try to made and mix vegetable and fruit in one recipe and seems I can not find the proper tools to handle it….just imagine if I have professional cookware it will be great right. With enthusiast I try to finished it…and it’s only take a minute the desert is ready to serve.
I always said to my friend that I have a small restaurant and it need to touch up again I have a great plan and try to find restaurant equipment that really fit for my small restaurant with several menus that already familiar to my customer although still many think to do but I really enjoy to have this restaurant, hopefully in a short time I will have this done for small renovation and starting to opened again.